Phone: 03 9699 2499
Book NowAupuncture is derived from eastern medicine philosophy. It is believed that the body has twelve channels that run from head to toe. Each of these channels is called meridians. In these channels there is a substance called ‘Qi ‘or energy.
This energy needs to freely flow through these channels, like blood flowing through arteries. Sometimes these channels become blocked; therefore the energy cannot freely flow and is blocked like a blockage in an artery. As a consequence this gives rise to illness.
Once the blockage is recognised along the channel which correspond to specific acupuncture points, they are stimulated by acupuncture needles or laser in order to unblock the channel In the clinic we use both LASER or acupuncture needles.
Acupuncture is not a one session treatment. Most patients with chronic problems need approximately 10 weekly treatments to achieve maximum relief.
However it must be emphasised that each individual is unique therefore some patients will require more or less treatments before their signs and symptoms improve.
Response to treatment may be immediate or take several days to weeks. The effect is usually cumulative, building up over weeks before maximum relief is achieved. Side effects are minimal and can include temporary aggravation of symptoms, tiredness and in the case of needles minor bruising.
A wide range of ailments can be treated with acupuncture after a full examination and diagnosis is reached. A cure will always be attempted but not necessarily be achieved but the symptoms can certainly be improved.